
The goal of my internship is to create an interactive learning community whose focus is on educating teachers on new technologies. Howard County Public School System is a leading county in student data, but it is looking to create more advancement in educational technology. Since funding is an issue in today’s economy, schools are looking for cheaper ways to bring technology into the classroom. Fulton Elementary School is doing so by purchasing gaming equipment.

There has been a lot of focus on student-centered technology. Wiimotes is not a new technology in the gaming realm, but it’s new to the classroom. A wiimote is the controller used for the Nintendo Wii game console. The controller possesses infrared and Bluetooth capabilities. Each classroom in the school will have a wiimote and laptop setup to create an interactive, technological lesson.

My role in the learning community is to guide and teach educators in developing a lesson while using the wiimote. Since most of the educators are skeptical about this technology, it will be my job to eliminate their fears, motivate them to learn, and support them during the learning community meetings.


At the end of September, I met with my principal to discuss the internship and the direction she would like to see it go. She wanted the focus to be on the wiimotes, since it was purchased over the summer, and there's a need for teacher education. Originally, I was going to meet with a group of nine teachers on Thursdays, however, plans changed due to the number of teachers conducting a technology internship in the school. Tom, Brandon and I are all doing an internship so we had to split into two days, Monday and Friday. Tom and I took the Friday group while Brandon took Monday.

Once the groups were formed, Tom and I setup the schedule for the fall/winter meetings. We assigned one meeting for each month: October, November, December, and January. The principal wanted to have just one meeting per month considering all of the extra-curriculars the teachers are involved in. Besides the set meetings, I made myself available every Friday morning for the teachers.

The requirements for the technology learning community are designed by Tom and I as well as the principal. The principal wanted to use the learning community as an option for teachers who are in their observation year. These teachers may choose the community, but will have to be present at all meetings and produce the require artifacts. The artifacts are as follows: create a lesson plan with the wiimote, use the lesson with the students, write a two page lesson reflection, and discuss the lesson during the presentation day.

At the conclusion of the internship, I will have created a blog. For each meeting I will post my feelings of how the meeting went and the outcomes of it. I am eager to see how the progression of the technologies affected the teachers attitudes and feelings. The blog will serve as a journal through the internship.

Reflection of Technology Classes to the Internship

In the next posts, I will describe how the classes of the master's program has been beneficial to me during my internship. In some cases, I have grouped classes together because they ran along the same lines. Also, a few posts will show how certain classes were not beneficial to me in my development as a technology specialist.

Et 605: Intro to Educational Technology & Et 610: Curricular Applications

The software portion of the technology learning community can be attributed to the technology classes of Introduction to Educational Technology and Curricular Applications. The focus of these courses were based on learning different technologies in the classroom. The professors showed us how a step-by-step process is best for learning new technologies. This is the same process I used when teaching teachers about the wiimote technology. An extremely important aspect of these classes is mastering technology and being able to relay the information in a beneficial manor.

Et 640: Adaptive/Assistive Technology

This class was very important in my connection with the technology and the special education teachers. After learning about implementing adaptive technologies, I was able to teach the special education teachers how to use the computer in ways they have never seen. For example, we were able to use the software as a point and click technology for students with poor motor development. The teacher continues to use the technology in her class as well as teach her colleagues how to use it in their classes.

Et 680: Role of the Technology Specialist

Learning about stakeholders is another major influence in my development of the technology learning community. I was very pleased to see the support and excitement from the administration when I went to them at the beginning of the year with my internship. They are completely supportive of my goals and the direction of the community. I know not having administrative support would not make this internship a success. They wanted it to be a requirement, and not just a sit in when you have free time.

Et 620: Multimedia Design in the Classroom

When focusing on the direction of the community, the design aspect played a major role in the structure of the technology. In the multimedia design course, a major focus was on the simplicity of structure. Tom and I spent a great deal of time designing the community so the process could be flowing and obstacle free. The outcome of our design was wonderful because the teachers truly embraced the technology in a step by step process. It truly showed when the members presented their lessons at the celebration meeting.

Et 631: Distance Education

One of the biggest issues in dealing with well-experienced teachers is the prejudged assessment of technology in the classroom. As I discussed in my blog, the teachers attitudes weren’t quite as possible as I would have liked. However, the distance education course was quite influential in the process of getting the teachers to see the cost analysis of working with technology. Yes, they were correct the beginning is difficult and problems do arise. With guidance and support, they were able to implement the technology in their classroom with an increase in student awareness and motivation.

Et 630: Telecommunications in the Classroom

During Et 630, I learned a great deal about frustration and patience. Thank goodness this course was taught in the summer rather than during the school year. Many hours went into learning the material and developing the projects. However, this course opened my eyes to what the teachers in my school go through when learning a technology that is way beyond their comfort level. Frustration will set in and the best way to continue on is patience and support. These two things is what I have gained and continue to push when teaching material that is new.

Ed 608: Educational Innovations & Ed 600: Foundations of Research Education

These two courses were very well planned and informative. However, in regards to the internship, these courses did not benefit me like the rest. It seems these courses were designed to have a more behind the scenes movement, rather than being placed into a teaching situation. I did not use information I learned in these courses during my internship.

Ad 662: Leadership, Supervision & Professional Development

This course was a very influential part of the internship and will continually be considering the excitement of the technology learning community at Fulton. During the course, I was not taking a liking to professor, however, the material was very important. Learning about communication and involving the correct personnel will make the goal that much more attainable. Tom and I had a difficult time with changing ideas/judgements and getting the teachers to see what could be instead of what will go wrong. The leadership qualities we learned helped us to create a technology community in which teachers are eager to come and learn new ways of teaching.

Fulfilling the Standards

In the next posts, I will reveal how my internship has achieved the necessary standards. Following the standards I will post all of my artifacts that I have used and accumulated throughout the internship. The artifacts are created by myself, Tom and Fulton Elementary teachers.

Standard TF-I.A.

Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers).

During the technology learning community, the teachers were assessed to determine their knowledge of technology and the path of my teaching of technology resources. My goal as an instructor is to assist the teachers in developing skills and knowledge about the wiimotes. The assistance I provided to the teachers helped them overcome their fears of incorporating technology into their lessons. With this support, the teachers were able to seek our services throughout the school year if troubleshooting persisted.

Standard TF-I.B.

Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

Since the introduction of an alternate Smartboard, the wiimote has captivated the interests of the administration at our school. Thus, the focus of the technology learning community is on the wiimote and its growth in the classroom. As an outcome of the internship, the teachers will learn strategies to promote their growth as well as understanding technology concepts in the classroom. As the leading instructor, I have found it extremely necessary to keep assessing the wiimotes compatibility with the computers and software. As for the teachers, it is critical to continue researching and updating the technology.

Standard TF-IV.A.

Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.

The wiimote is an excellent tool for all areas of assessments. During the first technology learning community meeting, I modeled how to use the wiimote as an assessment tool for a kindergarten classroom. The students are able to link letters to parts of words using the infrared pen. I also demonstrated how using the Interwrite software the teacher could save artifacts to the student’s folder on the classroom computer. Keeping the materials digital will allow the teacher to send the documents via email to the parents in real time.

Standard TF-IV.B.

Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.

Through the technology community, teachers can examine the validity and reliability of the wiimote technology. After completing the celebration session, the teachers reflected on their implementation of the wiimote and the overall outcome of student learning. The reflections submitted by the teachers provide an excellent resource for teachers new to the wiimote. This communication will provide a foundation for improving the reliability of the wiimote software.

Standard TF-IV.C.

Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.

The teachers were assisted during the technology meetings in developing their lessons's evaluation piece. I modeled one example during the first meeting, however, I did not want the teachers to choose my style. I did not want them to choose a strategy I picked because I wanted there to be multiple strategies revealed during the celebration meeting. During the celebration meeting, we were able to see the differences in strategies and whether student learning was prevalent.

Standard TF-V.A.

Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.

As a result of my internship, the technology learning community was created at Fulton Elementary School to serve as a resource for professional development activities. This community has been widely accepted in the school as well as the county. The TLC is an excellent opportunity for teachers to seek guidance in continuing their learning of technology. Also, the administration is looking to change certain staff meetings to incorporate technology-learning activities. The technology staff and I are very eager to continue the growth of educational technology.

Standard TF-V.B.

Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.

The technology learning community continually assesses the technologies new and old to determine whether student growth is increasing or decreasing. With teacher reflections, the technology staff can evaluate the effect technology has on the students as well as the teachers. Having administrators with a big interest in technology, the technology learning community staff will be eager to disseminate information to increase technology productivity and reduce the technological issues.

Standard TF-V.C.

Apply technology to increase productivity.

With the focus on wiimotes, I facilitated various ways this technology increases student learning and motivates students in and out of the classroom. For example, fourth grade studies the flower and its parts. Using the wiimote, I taught the fourth grade teachers how to use the infrared pen to match the names and parts of the plant. Also, I set up the software preferences to change colors, fonts, tools, etc. This in turn will keep the students attention because of the diversity of the program.

Standard TF-V.D.

Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.

For the technology learning community to be successful, communication between the staff, teachers, and administrators is extremely important. The communication tool we use is the Communitive Learning Community program. We are able to communicate through email and conferences. Also, we utilize the schools network to download important videos, files, software, etc. The network is great because every person can access it.

Standard TF-VIII.A.

Utilize school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction. (Discuss and evaluate current research in educational technology)

During the first meeting of the technology learning community, we introduced the wiimote. With the push from the administration, we really didn’t have a choice but to focus on the new technology. I tried to build up the technology to show its true functionality, however, the teachers were extremely skeptical to the idea of having this in the classroom. We discussed for twenty minutes how using this technology would benefit student learning. I focused on how the technology can act as a Smartboard and using the student’s excitement to increase their learning.

Standard TF-VIII.B.

Apply strategies for and knowledge of issues related to managing the change process in schools. (Discuss the history of technology use in schools)

There have been times during the meetings when conversation erupts over implementing technology regularly into the classroom especially with the wiimote. I wanted the teachers to realize that, yes, there is a better and more expensive tool out there, but due to economical situations, it is unattainable. However, the administration feels that the wiimote is the next best thing. And the administration is using the technology learning community to evaluate and discuss its implementation. As it should be, the administration is not making a final call on the wiimote until teachers get to use it comfortably. The experiences of the technology will show that communication or lack there of will decide whether the technology is a success or failure.

Standard TF-VIII.C.

Apply effective group process skills.

One of the main concerns with implementing the wiimotes or any type of technology for that matter is the partnership between the teachers and technology personnel. During the first meeting, teachers expressed concern over the availability of technology and the lack of technical help. It seems the personnel doesn’t move quickly enough for the teachers. This creates a stressful situation. After examining the issue, the technology teachers will hold more responsibility for eliminating trouble shooting problems and leave equipment to the media.

Standard TF-VIII.D.

Lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation

As an outcome of the internship, the school administration has examined the current procedure of acquiring technologies and implementing them without teacher feedback. Too often there is no support for implementing a new technology. Since the wiimote implementation, the technology committee has done a wonderful job of discussing new technologies and providing support and resources needed for it to be successful.

Standard TF-VIII.E.

Engage in supervised field-based experiences with accomplished technology facilitators and/or directors.

During the internship, I have learned how important the components are for effective implementation of technology into the school based setting. Throughout this internship, the support gained from my technology staff has been a true asset in this endeavor. Along with the technology staff, the administration has been extremely supportive as well. These stakeholders are key in providing additional resources if needed and continued implementation. For Fulton, the technology committee is doing a wonderful job of embracing new technology and assessing whether it is or will be beneficial to student learning. Leaders are the most important piece to getting technology to be successful in schools. I have found that energy and passion for technology is a wonderful quality to posses to change negative ideals and attitudes of educators.

Internship Artifacts and Pieces

As a requirement for the internship, artifacts linked below will show I have met the technology standards. For the internship portfolio, I described how I have met each standard in the previous posts and now am posting all of the materials to show the results of the Technology Learning Community with a focus on the wiimote technology.

The materials listed first are developed by Tom and I. These pieces are keys to the success of the internship. The second listings of material are the artifacts teachers have created based on their lessons of the wiimote. The artifacts will be named according to the teacher and their lesson and reflection. I have uploaded the various artifacts to Google docs to be placed in the blog. The artifacts are links so they can be easily accessible.


Technology Learning Community Pieces - (Requirements) (Lesson Plan) (Calendar)

Teacher Creations - (Elaine Bosserman) (Janet Conn) (Kristen Kirby) (Marcy McSkimming) (Elizabeth Ogden) (Abby Berman)

TLC Celebration - (Video) *The video will be sent as a disc.